Cross promotion of my blogs!!!
The TV Crossover Universe is a spin-off concept of Win Scott Eckert's two volume "Crossovers: A Secret Chronology of the World." The basic premise is that everything that is in the Crossover Universe is in the TVCU. But there are a few things I should point out. First, it doesn't go both ways. Just because I except Win's work as gospel doesn't meant that he accepts mine. He has given me a thumbs up (or a Facebook "like" at least) on this work, but that doesn't mean he will incorporate my work into future editions of his book, or point to my site as a reference (though it would be cool if he did.) Also, just because I start with Crossovers doesn't mean I follow it to the letter. Occasionally I will make judgement calls that will mean disagreeing with Win's work.
Another thing I want to point out is the connection to the Wold Newton Universe.
Though Win's book is considered to be part of the Wold Newton Universe by many (and some articles in the book are Wold Newtonry, or actually refer to the Wold Newton Meteorite), Win himself has said that the two are not the same (though very, very, very similar.) In fact, there are some contradictions between Crossovers and some Wold Newton articles.
My site may be useful to Wold Newton researchers, but it's not a Wold Newton site. Only Crossovers and articles mentioned in Crossovers will be used for kicking off my universe. I will ignore any other wolding of tv shows or movies. This is a crossover world. Wolding is great, but it's not crossovers. I do include Wold Newton scholarly articles if they are mentioned in Crossovers. But my blog is not Wold Newtonry, even if some people have disagreed with that. But I don't want people to think I pass my work off as Wold Newtonry. It's just a distant cousin of what they do over in the Wold Newton Family by the Wold Newton Meteoric Society. (I do try to plug their work whenever possible since I'm a fan of Wold Newtonry myself and there are connections between their work and my own.)
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